River Ridge Ranch is nestled along the Lampasas River and is a sprawling 1,200 acre rural gated community in Central Texas. Here you will find a vibrant community of friends and neighbors interconnected by the inspiring, natural beauty and privacy that surround our homes. We are dedicated to bringing our homeowners a one-of-a-kind experience that promotes our core values of health, education, sustainability, fellowship, and camaraderie. River Ridge Ranch POA is a governing body whose primary purpose is to support our members and protect their investment by understanding, communicating, and enforcing the Covenants, By-Laws, and Rules & Regulations.
Sat, April 12th, 8:00 am
Board of Director's Meeting
Tue., May 20 18 at 6:00 pm
Location: TBD
Neighborhood Watch Program
See something? Say Something.
RRR Neighbors - In conjunction with the upgrades to the front gate security, we believe it is also an appropriate time to re-engage the Neighborhood Watch Program.
A neighborhood watch program is a group of people living in the same area who want to make their neighborhood safer by working together and in conjunction with local law enforcement to reduce crime and improve their quality of life. Neighborhood watch groups have regular meetings to plan how they will accomplish their specific goals and leaders with assigned responsibilities. Neighborhood Watch is homeland security at the most local level. It is an opportunity to volunteer and work towards increasing the safety and security of our homes and our homeland. Neighborhood Watch empowers citizens and communities to become active in emergency preparedness, as well as the fight against crime and community disasters.
We are looking for 3-5 residents to engage in this effort. If you are interested, please let any BOD member know.
River Ridge Ranch
Property Owner's Association